Saturday, July 28, 2012

Being a finisher..or not

You know how it begins. Your pondering life and checking your Facebook at 2am when suddenly it hits you. "Man I got such a great idea,"  you think; wanting to share it with the world. You start going over the what if's, the how-to's and the I cans in your mind. You find a way to start the project. You tell people close to you about it. Your getting and excited and pumped up about your great idea. Well most of us know what happens 2 weeks later. Your great idea becomes just another one of those cool what ifs that were never carried out. You may have even started the journey to making your project a reality. You get positive feed back. You were on fire. So how did you lose all that steam? The sad thing about steam is that any small hole will cause your reserve tank to lose its pressure unless you are constantly making more steam. You must stay on fire. I am still trying to figure out how to keep producing that steam. I'll be the first to say it: At this moment, I am a pretty terrible finisher. You know what though? At least I know my weakness.

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