Thursday, June 23, 2011

Top 5 Languages: #5

In a world full of individuals, it is absolutely necessary to be able to communicate effectively. The ability to communicate abstract ideas through words is completely unique to humans and it is what allows us organize our society in the way that we do. Just think about how little each of us would know about our world if we didn't have someone to teach us using words. While pondering about what society would be like without words, you should take a moment to think about how you are actually thinking right now. Chances are, unless you are some sort of alien reading this blog post, you are thinking in words. You are having a little conversation with yourself inside of your head at this very moment. Instead of speaking to your self in words temporarily try using just images to construct in your mind the ideas we are discussing; you will certainly fail.

Studies show that one of the most damaging disabilities in historical terms was deafness. Before sign language was invented, deaf people really had no language to think in. Not only were they unable to communicate ideas with others, but they truly could not communicate ideas within themselves. Without language, they had no inner voice to guide them through complicated and abstract ideas. This is why the word "dumb", which used to mean the inability to speak, now takes on the connotation that it does. Deaf people back in the day had mental handicaps because of their lack of language.

Obviously, language is quite important to our identity as humans. We use it every day and without it we are essentially dumb. It used to be that only one language was required to prosper in every aspect of life. Travel was slow and therefore the cultures that an individual would come in contact with would only have a slight variation to their own culture. Now, in this globalized economy, it is becoming ever more important to speak more than just your native tongue. This is why I am compiling a list of the Top 5 languages to know. Each day I will add another language to the list.

Starting with language # 5

Latin- It would have been difficult to choose just one romantic language to place on this list. They all sound uniquely pleasant and every single one is useful in various areas of the world. For this reason Latin, the language that spawned all of the romantics, was the one to make the list. Of course some will say there is no practical reason for learning this language. Honestly, not one person around today can speak it fluently so it seems like a truly dead language. Well actually, its not. Latin is about as dead as Benjamin Franklin. You certainly will not see the man walking around town, but chances are that you see evidence of his existence. Ben invented things like bifocals, swimming fins, and the urinary catheter. His two greatest achievements were the discoveries he made about electricity and the influence and political role he played in the development of our country. Latin is like Ol Ben, they may both be dead, but much relevant information can be learned from studying them.

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